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HomeHow ToHow to Clean a Washing Machine Drum: A Step-by-Step Guide to Remove...

How to Clean a Washing Machine Drum: A Step-by-Step Guide to Remove Mold, Mildew, and Odors

Is your washing machine starting to smell a bit funky? Are your clothes not coming out as clean as they used to? It might be time to give your washing machine drum a thorough cleaning. A dirty drum can harbor mold, mildew, soap scum, and bacteria, all of which can affect your laundry and the performance of your machine.

Why You Should Clean Your Washing Machine Drum Regularly

Regularly cleaning your washing machine drum is essential for several reasons:

  • Prevents Mold and Mildew Growth: Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments like washing machine drums. Cleaning regularly eliminates these harmful microorganisms, preventing the spread of allergens and bacteria.
  • Eliminates Bad Odors: Musty smells are a telltale sign of a dirty washing machine. Cleaning removes the source of these odors, leaving your laundry and machine smelling fresh.
  • Removes Detergent and Fabric Softener Residue: Over time, detergent and fabric softener can leave behind a residue that builds up on the drum. This soap scum can trap dirt and bacteria, reducing the effectiveness of your washing machine.
  • Improves Washing Machine Performance: A clean drum allows for better water circulation and cleaning action, ensuring your clothes get thoroughly washed.
  • Extends the Lifespan of Your Machine: Buildup and residue can damage the internal components of your washing machine. Regular cleaning helps prevent corrosion and wear, extending the life of your appliance.

Signs Your Washing Machine Drum Needs Cleaning

How do you know when it’s time to clean your washing machine drum? Here are some common signs:

  • Visible Mold or Mildew: Black or green spots on the drum, door seal, or detergent dispenser are clear indicators of mold or mildew growth.
  • Musty or Unpleasant Smells: If your laundry or washing machine has a persistent musty odor, even after running a cycle with no clothes, it’s time for a cleaning.
  • Residue or Buildup on the Drum: Soap scum, dirt, or lint accumulating on the drum can hinder its cleaning ability.
  • Clothes Not Getting as Clean: If your clothes aren’t coming out as clean as they used to, residue buildup or reduced water flow due to a dirty drum could be the culprit.
  • Excessive Vibrations or Noise: Buildup or unbalanced loads caused by a dirty drum can lead to increased vibrations and noise during wash cycles.

How to Clean a Washing Machine Drum (Step-by-Step Guide)

Here are three effective methods for cleaning your washing machine drum:

Method 1: Vinegar and Baking Soda (Natural Cleaning)

  1. Pour 2 cups of white vinegar into the detergent dispenser.
  2. Add 1/2 cup of baking soda directly into the drum.
  3. Run the washing machine on the hottest cycle available.
  4. Once the cycle is complete, wipe down the drum and door seal with a clean cloth.

Method 2: Commercial Washing Machine Cleaner

  1. Choose a reputable washing machine cleaner like Affresh, Tide Washing Machine Cleaner, or Glisten.
  2. Follow the product instructions for dosage and cycle settings.
  3. Run the cleaning cycle as directed.

Method 3: Bleach (for Heavily Soiled Drums)

  1. Caution: Wear gloves and a mask when handling bleach. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
  2. Dilute 1 cup of bleach in 1 gallon of water.
  3. Pour the diluted bleach solution into the detergent dispenser.
  4. Run the washing machine on the hottest cycle available.

Additional Tips:

  • Clean the filter or lint trap regularly.
  • Wipe down the drum after each use to remove excess moisture.
  • Leave the door open after use to allow the drum to air out and dry completely.

Preventing Washing Machine Drum Buildup

To keep your washing machine drum clean and prevent buildup:

  • Use the correct amount of detergent as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Avoid overloading the machine to allow for proper water circulation and cleaning.
  • Use high-quality detergent and fabric softener designed to prevent residue buildup.
  • Run a cleaning cycle regularly, either with a commercial cleaner or vinegar and baking soda.
  • Wipe down the drum after each use to remove excess moisture and prevent mold growth.

FAQs About Cleaning Washing Machine Drums

Q: How often should I clean my washing machine drum?

A: It’s recommended to clean your washing machine drum every 1-3 months, depending on how frequently you use it.

Q: Can I use bleach to clean my washing machine drum?

A: Yes, you can use bleach, but with caution and proper dilution. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and wear protective gear.

Q: What if my washing machine doesn’t have a cleaning cycle?

A: You can still clean your washing machine drum using vinegar and baking soda or a commercial washing machine cleaner.

Q: Is it safe to use vinegar and baking soda together?

A: Yes, vinegar and baking soda are safe and effective for cleaning washing machine drums.

Q: How do I get rid of mold in my washing machine drum?

A: You can use either bleach or vinegar and baking soda to eliminate mold in your washing machine drum.

By following these tips and cleaning your washing machine drum regularly, you can keep your laundry fresh, your machine running smoothly, and extend its lifespan.

Hello! I'm the passionate mind behind the engaging and practical "HOW TO" articles featured on "zone best picks." With a knack for breaking down complex tasks into easy-to-follow steps, I dedicate my craft to empowering readers with the knowledge they need to succeed in various endeavors. Whether it's tech hacks, lifestyle tips, or home DIY projects, my goal is to make learning accessible and enjoyable for everyone.


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